When most people think of careers they think of diplomas. Because when we grew up we were asked what we want to be when we grow up, and the options given to us were, doctors, engineers, lawyers, teachers… And as we moved into high school the question changed to, are you going to college? So either we did, or we didn’t. And if we did we were taught that our professional life was then defined by the degree we achieved, and if we didn’t, well, we were taught to look for jobs, jobs that didn’t require a degree and all we could think of was, cashier, waiter, a job in a retail store, or a restaurant… Because these are the types of jobs left for those who don’t have a degree.
But the thing is, life with a degree can get pretty miserable, starting off with college debt, starting a career, and looking to grow within that industry. Many people later realize that they are not even passionate about the profession they chose.
And for those who didn’t get that degree, life feels even more limited, options given pay even less, and they usually end up with 3 jobs and a couple of roommates. Or as a family, with both parents working 2 jobs and still struggling to pay their bills.
To be honest, I never thought too much about it, but with access to social media, I started noticing a lot of really successful people pop all over the place. They aren’t doctors, they aren’t lawyers and they aren’t professors. But they sure are successful. I started following a lot of their content just for entertainment, you know, I am into personal development myself and a lot of what they were saying clicked with me.
As I dived deeper into the content I even considered venturing into my own business, I could think of a couple of ideas that I thought I could pull through if I only had the money to start off. I pushed those thoughts to the back of my mind as I have to work two jobs and those dreams are, you know, just dreams. But one of the lessons I took and applied as it came naturally to me was networking. Keeping in touch with people that come across my life and creating relationships.
Until one day, a friend of a friend, who I have been in touch with through social media, just this regular guy, on his mid-thirties, 3 kids, who didn’t even use to post much because he was always busy working his jobs, just like me and everyone else, changed my life.
All of a sudden I am watching this guy move to a better house, start to post pictures of his brand new car, start inviting people on social media to check out what he was doing… And so I did, I reached out to him and asked what was going on, if he got another job, because I mean, things were looking pretty good for him. And for me, well, for me everything looked the same for the last 15 years.
So he tells me about this new career path he had been introduced to, mixing network marketing and insurance sales. He sounded really excited, he told me anyone could join, and he invited me to listen to this company’s career presentation. I told him yes, but I was nervous because you know, I had never done anything like that, I had no idea about insurance and no experience in sales. But at this point, I was so done following this path of struggle, that listening to this opportunity could not hurt.
I joined this online webinar with 3 different guys from this company going off on the opportunities this company has to offer, it all sounded really good, I mean, great commission, no experience required, I would get training and receive pretty good support and mentorship. I talked to my wife about it and we decided to give it a shot, on the side, keeping my jobs, and worst-case scenario, we would just drop it if it didn’t work out and just continue with our lives.
I got back to my friend’s friend and said I wanted to join. He taught me the steps to get started, and I started training. I took it seriously, like this was my shot at a better life. I was on online training sessions several hours a week, I was doing my homework, I was excited.
It didn’t take long and I got my license, I was ready to start doing business! I started calling leads, I started posting and talking to people that I know. And the rest, well the rest, my friends, is history.
Once I went out there and started talking to people, I realized people didn’t even know a lot of these strategies and they were interested! It felt great to actually talk to people and teach people, helping them to do way better with their finances, their retirements, their college funding…
Things went really well for me, so well my wife decided to join the business. I quit my job, and many of my friends and even some other family members were reaching out to me to join. I was bringing in people, and growing more and more every day.
Then it was my turn to move to a better house and buy a better car, get my kids into better schools, and have more time to spend with my family. I was no longer working 2 jobs. I was now on my own schedule, growing my business, with the ability to grow as big as I dedicate myself to.
Everything changed for me, and as I was remembering looking at all those successful people on social media, thinking about how different their life is to mine, I realized I just wasn’t a part of the club, and to be honest, I didn’t know that I could have ever been. And it’s not like I didn’t see some videos saying, come check out the opportunity… I just didn’t think they were talking to me, because I was conditioned to think of work and careers in terms of degrees. Because I thought they just had something I didn’t, until I realized that all you need is mindset. The mindset to learn, to try, to work hard and to succeed, and I know it might sound cheesy, but it’s true, at least in this industry, at least in this career.
So I will be the one reaching out to you today, and if you are at where I was, looking for a change, looking for opportunity, you are in the right place, and at the right time. I invite you to check out what we are doing at Exertus Financial Partners & Insurance Agency. You can just reach out to us, or you can attend to a free online presentation, with no commitment, to learn more about this opportunity.
Exertus Financial Partners & Insurance Agency hosts 2 weekly opportunity presentations, Wednesdays, and Saturdays at 1 PM PT at www.xop.live and if you want to see more about our company, visit www.exertusfinancialpartners.com and www.exertuslife.com and follow us on social media, we are on all major platforms under those same names.
I hope you will take the chance to check it out and if you do I hope you join us for a real shot at achieving your dreams. And if you do, I can’t wait to see you share your story to bring more people in and help more people and communities out there. Because our goal at Exertus is to empower people, just like you and me.